Step up your blog
New Standard is simple while having a higher feel of quality than an ordinary blog. Coupled with quality articles, your users will recognize your blog as being a step above the rest.
Keep users engaged
New Standard features an After Post Widget and a Sticky Sidebar where you can display popular and featured posts to increase the time users spend visiting your site. You can also display your Facebook page so you can increase your fans.
Flexible ad placement
New Standard’s layout is designed with ad placement in mind. The sidebar’s width is 336px and is the perfect size for a large rectangle ad. Because of the widget areas before and after the posts index pages, blogs, and pages, you can flexibly place ads.
Responsive Design
New Standard was built with mobile-first responsive design in mind, so it offers a pleasant reading experience on both smartphones and tablets.
New Standard allows you to modify various theme options including fonts, colors, layout, title, and logo through the Customizer.
12 Widgets
New Standard comes with 2 sidebar and 4 footer widgets. In addition, there are widget areas before and after the posts index pages, blogs, and pages.
4 Menus
New Standard supports 4 menus: Navigation Bar, Header, Footer, and Footer Social Links. You can choose which menus to use or not use.
Custom Background
New Standard supports custom backgrounds, so you can freely change your site background.
3 Page Templates
New Standard supports 3 page templates: a Normal Page, a No Sidebar Page, and a Full Width Page, allowing you to create flexible pages.
Plugin Support
New Standard supports the multifunctional plugin Jetpack which adds features like widgets and infinite scrolling, as well as the contact form plugin Contact Form 7.
Multilingual Support
New Standard supports multiple languages. Currently supported languages are Japanese and English, and typography has been appropriately adjusted with CSS for Japanese.
Clean Code
New Standard is made with people who want to customize its code in mind and adheres to WordPress standards while maintaining clear, readable code.
One-Time payment
Themehaus only charges for the WordPress theme at purchase time. Support and updates are included and there are no additional charges.
GPL License
Themehaus uses a GPL license for our WordPress themes. You may use them for an unlimited number of personal/business sites.
Basic Support
Themehaus’ WordPress themes include support for common issues. Support for the customization and plugins is not included.